[Poll] What should be the next feature?

Hi community, we just released the Borders feature after some months of development. For the next steps, we have some ideas on features and we’d love to get you involved. What feature would you like to have added to Repper next?

  • Mandalas
  • Reduce color effect
  • Rotate selection
  • Export presets
  • More 3D models
  • More tilings
  • Hyperbolic patterns
  • Save dream mode as video

0 voters


more vector stuff!!!

Hey John, thanks for your input! Could you be a bit more specific, what kind of vector features would you like to see?

Well, where to start?

  1. most apparent is all the patterns that are available in bitmap, you should work toward making the available to vector. I am very conscious that some tiling and pattern forming would make a small file very big (my repper folder is 45 gig!) but I’m sure you can figure it out. Penrose first please!
  2. Effects - any!
  3. Not just for vectors - but a way of merging and combining different files into hybrid patterns.

That should keep you busy for a year or two.


It sounds like you know something about the complexity of working with vector :smile: It took @Alexander a crazy amount of time to build the current vector functionality into Repper, handling the countless edge cases vector introduces :grimacing:

yes ican have a 120 meg file from a small vector file I batch slim them with imageoptim great drag drop app which shaves about 45% off a file!

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Can’t wait for mandalas features. I would create many books with them to be sold on various platforms :slight_smile:

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Thanks for sharing your request, @Ionut_Dascalu! :blush:

im sure its late for this topic but for next round id like to see
radial gradients
edge/tile/surface gradient/duotone, the solid color is nice, but being able to make that color fade or shift across the pattern… yum.

  • the circular metamorph begs for colors radiating out

line stroke would be nice but not like it cant be done elsewhere.

but another big one is a kaliedoscope tiling, --adjustable angle and repetition, size /shape. i thnk some really neat stuff could be done with a combination of things. ive been running repper outputs back through and finding some very interesting things happening.

I voted for more tilings but I’d also love Mandalas and saving Dream Mode videos.

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just use a screen recorder app, or game center if youre on windows and if possible full screen the browser, and full screen repper.
or find a screen recorder that allows you to select a certain capture area. maybe those exist , thats what im looking for next.

now this is my suggestion Repper. …
you dont have to make the screen recording feature… you just have to make the full screen option that is actually full screen (ie hide toolbar. )

ive got hours of video now. i just crop it out. but its a pain.

my other suggestion/question, is while there’s linear and circular metamorph options, what about other polygons ?

ok so Snipping Tool
is a windows store app,
does screenshot and video screen recording using user defined parameters, so perfect for screen recording repper in dream mode full screen without the left side menu.
problem solved…