Thank you for joining our Pattern Engine test!

:arrow_forward: Don’t reply to this Topic with bugs/feedback. Read below how to submit those :arrow_backward:

Thank you for helping us test our new pattern engine! :two_hearts:

This post covers:
:sparkles: — What’s new
:gear: — What needs testing
:information_source: — How to join the test
:bug: — How to report bugs and feedback

:sparkles: What’s new?

This year we’ve given the inner workings of Repper a complete revamp. This hard work lays the technical foundation for many new feature possibilities in the near future :star2:

But before we start building new features on top of it, we first need to make sure that it can still do everything our current pattern engine was doing for you. This means that for the moment, the Repper app with the new engine should look exactly like the one you are already using (that’s what we’re testing!).

If you are curious about why and how we completely rebuilt our pattern engine, please read this topic: Why we’ve rebuilt our pattern engine.

:gear: What needs testing?

In short: almost everything :slight_smile:

Our pattern engine is the core of Repper, so it affects many parts of the app. That’s why we invite you to use all parts of Repper, use them like you usually do and with the kind of images you typically use.

THE CRUCIAL THING TO TEST: Is everything looking and working like it usually does for you?
We have completely rebuilt the system “under the hood”, but on the app level, everything should still be working as it did before. Once we’ve made sure this is the case, we can start making use of the new technical possibilities and create exciting new features!

:information_source: How to join the test

  1. Go to
  2. This will look exactly like the regular Repper, but is actually a test version completely separate from it (notice the “staging” at the start of the URL)
  3. Because it’s a separate version, you need to create a new account.
    You can (but don’t have to) use the same email address or Google/Facebook login as you use on the regular Repper. Using the same way to sign up will not interfere with your normal Repper account and will simply be an empty test account.
  4. Test, test, test! Upload images, design away, export, etc.

Important to keep in mind:

  • It’s a test version, so things can break
  • The accounts on the test server may be deleted again soon
  • In short: only use this account for testing and don’t do critical work on it

:bug: How to report bugs and feedback

Best option: Create a post here on the forum

  1. Go to the testing category page and check if anyone has already posted about your issue or feedback.
  2. If someone already posted about it: Go to that topic and contribute!
  3. If no-one has posted it yet: Create a new Topic!
  4. Please add as much information and details you can, both in writing and screenshots or exports where relevant.

Second-best option: Send us an email

If for whatever reason you can’t or don’t want to post here on the forum, feel free to write us instead of

Thank you for your help, you are amazing :star2:

1 Like

:ok_hand::+1: Looking forward for this, All will be good.

I’m glad to be helping with this project. Thanks.