Tiling ghost lines

[The image exported is showing ghost lines ]

[When I import my svg created in Repper into my affinity designer app so I can make a repeat tile pattern the image is showing lines that were not ther in my original vector image ]

Did any of the help centre suggestions work? (restart, other browser, other computer)
[ same problem in different browsers

If possible, include a screenshot or recording of the app with the issue
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Which operating system do you use? (examples: Windows 10, MacOS Catalina)
[ … ]

Chrome Browser? (examples: Firefox 84.0.2, Chrome 87.0.4280.141)
[ … ]

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I already responded to @Lizzie_Mayne’s message on our email support, so let me copy the response here in case others find this post and would like to know the answer!


The issue you are describing is a familiar one, and it’s actually not a bug in the output from Repper, but rather a limitation in most vector software to properly render edges that are exactly in line with one another.

The little gap you see may look like an inaccuracy ​in the export, but if you open the SVG ​as a text file, you will see that ​points of touching lines ​are in exactly the same place (granted, figuring out ​which values to compare in the SVG file is difficult, but you can ​trust me on this one :wink:).

So what’s happening? Well, if you zoom in on such a “hair line”, you will notice it does not get bigger or smaller as you zoom in and out. The reason is that there is no gap. Rather, it is the anti-aliasing (= subpixel rendering) algorithm of your vector software that is struggling to show the edge as it should be: perfectly aligned. I know, this is all rather technical, but just ​in case your curious!

So what ​can you do about it? There are two solutions​, which are described on our Help Centre right here.

In short, here they are:

  1. Ignore the seams while in your vector software and export with the “Art Optimized (Supersampling)” option to get rid of the lines (See this part of the help article)
  2. Merge shapes together in vector software to not see lines in the software and in any form of export (see this part of the help article

Hope this helps! Let’s hope that vector software will get better at rendering perfectly flush edges :crossed_fingers::smile:

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