What is YOUR best POD Platform and why?

Hey Everyone,

I was Wondering which POD platform you like the best and WHY you like it the best.
I am trying to get a full (long ) list with POD platforms together and their Pro’s and Con’s. I think it might be helpful for us to have this in a list here in the community.

What do you think>?


Yes, I think it is really good :blush: for us thank you so much for sharing this suggestion.


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I have my work on a few different POD sites. I think first you should look at if the site charges you a monthly fee to use or if it’s free. Next you should see if they have a market place or will it be your own store & they just print & ship. Then check what products they offer & if your art will go good with them. I personally use Redbubble, Zazzle, Design By Humans & I have a website powered by FourthWall ( this one is my site, but they print and ship, no marketplace) If you have any more questions, feel free the message me. :slightly_smiling_face: Karen


I feel RedBubble has died off…
Fourthwall is GREAT!

Anyone experience with RedBubble that is positive and results in some $???

I’ve always thought the selection of products from Art Of Where was really nice. Haven’t looked at their options for a while, though.

I have a question, can I use the designs created to upload to Printify or any PID platform? or do I need to upscale them? Thank you

Hi @Dr_Cynthia_C_Chirwa, whether you need to upscale a pattern before use depends on two things:

  1. What is the maximum size of the pattern you are exporting?
  2. What is the minimum size for the specific use of that patterns?

Maximum export size

There are multiple things at play here that determine the maximum size of a pattern (without upscaling). This blog post on resolution and this video about export settings should help you get a good sense of it. Repper will always warn you if your export settings are such that Repper will need to upscale your image.

Minimum size for the specific use

A small repeating pattern on a notebook will obviously need less resolution than a bedspread with very large pattern tiles. Different uses will also demand different DPIs. We’ve got some good articles on DPI as well :slight_smile:

If you need to upscale your pattern, here is what you can do:

  1. If it’s only 10-20% upscaling, Repper’s upscaling will probably be fine
  2. If you need to upscale a lot more, consider using an AI upscaling solution. Note that these do often have limits on resolution. You’ll want to upscale a tile, rather than a whole surface.
  3. If you need to upscale a lot, you may also want to consider whether the pattern just doesn’t have enough resolution for your purpose and work with larger source images or consider other uses of your pattern.

Hope this helps!